MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help
Identifies whether the driver should use deprecated MMI commands.
Use Deprecated MMI Commands?
There are currently two versions of the BM64 Audio UART Command Set, which is used by the MCU to send commands to the BM64 module and receive responses (events) back from the BM64. The original is version 1.00 and the updated one is version 2.0x. Version 2.0x deprecates some MMI commands, and adds some new commands to replace them.
If the DRV_BM64_PlayPreviousSong and DRV_BM64_PlayNextSong functions are not working but other AVRCP functions are working properly, try unchecking this option.
true (checked, default) - use deprecated MMI commands. false (unchecked) - do not deprecated MMI commands.
MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help