Drivers Libraries Help > BM71 Bluetooth Driver Library > Library Interface
MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help
Library Interface

This section describes the API functions of the BM71 Bluetooth Driver library. 

Refer to each section for a detailed description.

a) System Functions
include include  
This function allows a client to identify an event handling function for the driver to call back. 
Gets the current status of the BM71 Bluetooth driver module (BM71-specific). 
Initializes hardware and data for the instance of the BM71 Bluetooth module 
Open the specified BM71 driver instance and returns a handle to it 
Read a byte over BLE. 
Read data over BLE. 
Send a byte over BLE. 
Send data over BLE. 
Gets the current system status of the BM71 Bluetooth driver module. 
Maintains the driver's control and data interface state machine. 
b) Client Setup Functions
Close an opened-instance of the BM71 Bluetooth driver. 
h) BLE Functions
Enable or disable advertising. 
Query BM71 LE status. 
Clear the BLE receive buffer.