Drivers Libraries Help > BM64 Bluetooth Driver Library > Using the Library > How the Library Works > BLE Functions
MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help
BLE Functions

The function DRV_BM64_ReadByteFromBLE is used to receive data one byte at a time; the function DRV_BM64_ReadDataFromBLE is used to receive multiple bytes. Each of them return a Boolean, which is true if data is returned or false if there is no data to return. You can use the function DRV_BM64_ClearBLEData to clear out the receive buffer before starting. 


    uint8_t byte;
    // note generic versions of calls (DRV_BT instead of DRV_BM64) are used
    // wait for byte to arrive
    while (!DRV_BT_ReadByteFromBLE(, &byte))
        // should have some sort of way to break out of here if byte never arrives
Sending Data

The function DRV_BM64_SendByteOverBLE Is used to send one byte of data at a time; the function DRV_BM64_SendDataOverBLE is used to send multiple bytes of data. 


    #define BUFSIZE    100
    uint8_t buf [BUFSIZE];
     // (code goes here to fill in buffer with data)

    // note generic version of call (DRV_BT instead of DRV_BM64) is used
    DRV_BT_SendDataOverBLE(, buf, BUFSIZE);
Connection Status

The function DRV_BM64_BLE_EnableAdvertising is called to enable or disable BLE advertising. 

The function DRV_BM64_BLE_QueryStatus queries the BM64 to respond with a DRV_BM64_EVENT_BLE_STATUS_CHANGED event, which will indicate if the BM64 BLE status is standby, advertising, scanning or connected. 


// note generic version of call (DRV_BT instead of DRV_BM64) is used
. . .
// later, a call will come back to the event handler callback function
// (previously set up via a call to DRV_BM64_EventHandlerSet)
static void _BLEEventHandler(DRV_BT_EVENT event, uint32_t param, uintptr_t context)
            // do case switch based on param variable
            case DRV_BM64_BLE_STATUS_STANDBY:
            case DRV_BM64_BLE_STATUS_SCANNING:
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_CONNECTED, LA_FALSE);
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_PAIRED, LA_FALSE);
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_NOPAIR_NOCONNECTION, LA_TRUE);
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_CONNECTED, LA_FALSE);
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_PAIRED, LA_TRUE);    // actually, advertising
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_NOPAIR_NOCONNECTION, LA_FALSE);
            case DRV_BM64_BLE_STATUS_CONNECTED:
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_CONNECTED, LA_TRUE);
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_PAIRED, LA_FALSE);
                laWidget_SetVisible((laWidget*)GFX_NOPAIR_NOCONNECTION, LA_FALSE);