MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help
The bm64_a2dp_hfp Demonstration
A BM64 Module Daughter Board is used to stream A2DP audio from a Bluetooth host, such as a smartphone, to a pair of headphones connected to a codec daughter board attached to the same development board. The demonstration can also automatically answer a voice call coming in via Hands-Free Protocol (HFP), interrupting (and pausing) any A2DP streaming in progress. Local audio is input using a microphone connected to the MIC IN input of the BM64 Module Daughter Board. When the call is terminated, streaming resumes.
The ble_comm Demonstration
In this demonstration application, the Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) capabilities of the BM64 Module Daughter Board, or the BLE-only BM71 XPRO Board are used to send a string of characters to a smartphone when one of the push buttons is pressed on the board, and to receive a string of characters from the smartphone causing an LED to turn on or off on the board, or be displayed on an LCD screen. A FreeRTOS version is also available
Both the BM64 and BM71 provide what is called Transparent Service, which allows generic text strings to be sent back and forth between the BM64/BM71 and the smartphone).
The bm64_bootloader Demonstration
The PIC32 or SAM processor on the development board is used as a bootloader to configure the EEPROM of the BM64 module on the BM64 Module Daughter Board. This can be done prior to using the BM64 module with the ble_comm application, for example to configure a unique BLE name for the module, or to configure the BM64 module as an I2S Slave to work the a2dp_hfp application. When the application is running, the MCU appears as a virtual COM port on the PC.
MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help