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Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 Release Notes

Harmony Azure_RTOS Release v1.0.0 (September, 2021)


  • New Microsoft Azure-RTOS support -This beta release introduces initial support for Azure-RTOS a Microsoft RTOS for connecting deeply embedded IoT devices.

  • New part support -This release introduces initial Azure RTOS ThreadX support for Cortex-A7 family of 32-bit MPUs.

  • New Applications

The following table provides the list of the new applications included in the release:

Application Platform Description
azure_iot_demo_ethernet SAME54 Azure IoT hub connection example using an Ethernet connection
azure_iot_demo_wifi SAME54 Azure IoT hub connection example using a Wi-Fi connection
tcp_echo_server_ethernet SAME54 NetX Duo TCP server example using an Ethernet connection
tcp_echo_server_wifi SAME54 NetX Duo TCP server example using a Wi-Fi connection
  • Updated Applications

The following table provides the list of the updated applications:

Application Platform Description
basic_threadx SAMA7G5 Basic ThreadX demo showing threads and status


Software Dependencies

Before using MPLAB Harmony Net, ensure that the following are installed:

In order to regenerate source code for any of the applications, you will also need to use the following versions of the dependent modules (see azure_rtos/package.xml):

  • Harmony core repository, 3.9.2
  • Harmony bsp repository, 3.9.0
  • Harmony csp repository, 3.9.1
  • Harmony dev_packs repository, 3.9.0
  • Harmony net repository, v3.7.3
  • Microsoft ThreadX repository, v6.1.8_rel (
  • Microsoft azure-sdk-for-c, 1.0.0 (
  • Microsoft NetX Duo, v6.1.7_rel (
  • Microsoft FileX, v6.1.7_rel (
  • MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) v.3.8.0 or later
  • MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) plug-in, v3.6.3 or later

Development Kit Support

This release supports applications for the following development kits


This is a beta release. The current known issues are as follows:

  • The demo project builds fine with MPLABX IDE 5.45. There is a known issue with MPLABX5.5 that cause build errors. This issue will be fixed in future MPLAB X releases. If you are working with MPLAB X IDE 5.5, please follow the instructions as short-term workaround.
  1. Update SAME54_DFP to the latest from MPLAB X IDE -> Tools -> Packs. (At the time of writing this instruction, latest version is 3.6.99)
  2. Copy “SAME54_DFP” directory from ‘C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.50\packs\Microchip' to ‘C:'
  3. Open Azure demo project in MPLAB X. Go to project properties.
  4. Select XC32 (Global Options) -> Override default device support -> set as ‘Compiler Location’
  5. At XC32 (Global Options) ->Additional options ->set the following option:

    -mdfp=C:/SAME54_DFP/x.x.xx -I “C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v5.50/packs/arm/CMSIS/5.4.0/CMSIS/Core/Include”

    For example, if SAME54 DFP is 3.6.99, the option is:

    -mdfp=C:/SAME54_DFP/3.6.99 -I “C:/Program Files/Microchip/MPLABX/v5.50/packs/arm/CMSIS/5.4.0/CMSIS/Core/Include”

  6. Click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’. Then build the project.
  • The demo project builds fine with XC32 v2.50. Using XC32 v3.1 can cause run time errors. This issue will be fixed in future MPLAB X releases.


This topic lists the contents of this release and identifies each module.


This table lists the contents of this release, including a brief description, and the release type (Alpha, Beta, Production, or Vendor).

Folder Description Release Type
azure_rtos/apps/iot/azure_iot_demo_ethernet Azure IoT hub connection over Ethernet Beta
azure_rtos/apps/iot/azure_iot_demo_wifi Azure IoT hub connection over Wi-Fi Beta
azure_rtos/apps/netxduo/tcp_echo_server_ethernet TCP server example over Ethernet Beta
azure_rtos/apps/netxduo/tcp_echo_server_wifi TCP server example over Wi-Fi Beta
azure_rtos/apps/threadx/basic_threadx Basic ThreadX demo showing threads and status Beta

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