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Microchip MPLAB Harmony provides several application examples for most supported peripherals and device families.

See the following repositories under Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony Github project for specific applications examples:

Code Examples

The following applications are provided to demonstrate the MPLAB Harmony 3 Azure RTOS solutions.

Name Description
IoT - Azure IoT Demo Ethernet This example application connects to the Azure Hub using an Ethernet connection
IoT - Azure IoT Demo WiFi This example application connects to the Azure Hub using a Wi-Fi connection
NetX Duo - TCP Echo Server Ethernet This example implements a TCP echo server using an Ethernet connection
NetX Duo - TCP Echo Server WiFi This example implements a TCP echo server using a Wi-Fi connection
ThreadX - Basic ThreadX This example application blinks an LED to show the Azure RTOS ThreadX threads that are running and to indicate status

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