USB Libraries Help > USB Host Libraries > USB Host Layer Library > Files > usb_host.h
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack

Microchip Technology Inc.

File Name



USB Host Layer Interface Definition 

This header file contains the function prototypes and definitions of the data types and constants that make up the interface to the USB HOST layer.

USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
Defines a defines types of strings that can be request through the USB_HOST_DeviceStringDescriptorGet() function. 
Defines the different events that the USB Host Layer can generate. 
Host Layer Events Handler Function Response Type. 
USB Host Results. 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
USB Host Layer TPL Table Entry Matching Criteria flag 
Starts host operations. 
Checks if the bus is enabled. 
Returns the suspend status of the bus. 
Resumes the bus. 
Suspends the bus. 
Deinitializes the specified instance of the USB Host Layer. 
Returns information about the first attached device on the bus. 
Returns information about the next device on the bus. 
Returns the suspend state of the device is suspended. 
Resumes the selected device 
Returns the speed at which this device is operating. 
Retrieves specified string descriptor from the device 
Suspends the specified device. 
USB Host Layer Event Handler Callback Function set function. 
Initializes the USB Host layer instance specified by the index. 
Gets the current status of the USB Host Layer. 
Maintains the USB Host Layer state machine. 
USB Host Bus All 
Defines an invalid USB Device Object Handle. 
Defines the default Lang ID to be used while obtaining the string. 
USB Host Request Invalid Handle 
USB Host Result Minimum Constant. 
Defines the data type that is used by the USB_HOST_DeviceGetFirst() and USB_HOST_DeviceGetNext() functions. 
Defines the USB Host HCD Information object that is provided to the host layer. 
Defines the data required to initialize a USB Host Layer instance. 
Defines a USB Bus Data Type. 
Handle to an attached USB Device. 
USB Host Layer Event Handler Function Pointer Type 
USB Host Request Handle Type 
USB Host Device String Descriptor Request Complete Callback Function Type