USB Libraries Help > USB Device Libraries > USB Device Printer Library > Library Interface > b) Data Types and Constants > USB_DEVICE_PRINTER_TRANSFER_FLAGS Enumeration
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack

USB Device Printer Transfer Flags 

These flags are used to indicate status of the pending data while sending data to the host by using the USB_DEVICE_Printer_Write function.

typedef enum {
This flag indicates there is no further data to be sent in this transfer and that the transfer should end. If the size of the transfer is a multiple of the maximum packet size for related endpoint configuration, the function driver will send a zero length packet to indicate end of the transfer to the host. 
This flag indicates there is more data to be sent in this transfer. If the size of the transfer is a multiple of the maximum packet size for the related endpoint configuration, the function driver will not send a zero length packet. If the size of the transfer is greater than (but not a multiple of) the maximum packet size, the function driver will only send maximum packet size amount of data. If the size of the transfer is greater than endpoint size but not an exact multiple of endpoint size, only the closest endpoint size multiple bytes of data will be sent. This flag should not be specified if the size of the transfer is less than maximum packet size. 

The relevance of the specified flag depends on the size of the buffer. Refer to the individual flag descriptions for more details.