USB Libraries Help > USB Device Libraries > USB HID Device Library > Library Interface
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack
Library Interface

This section describes the Application Programming Interface (API) functions of the USB Device HID library. 

Refer to each section for a detailed description.

a) Functions
This function registers a event handler for the specified HID function driver instance. 
This function submits the buffer to HID function driver library to receive a report from host to device. 
This function submits the buffer to HID function driver library to send a report from device to host. 
This function cancels a scheduled HID Device data transfer. 
b) Data Types and Constants
USB Device HID Function Driver Events 
USB Device HID Get Idle Event Data Type. 
USB Device HID Get Report Event Data Type. 
USB Device HID Report Received Event Data Type. 
USB Device HID Report Sent Event Data Type. 
USB Device HID Set Idle Event Data Type. 
USB Device HID Set Report Event Data Type. 
USB Device HID Set Protocol Event Data Type. 
USB device HID Function Driver Index. 
USB Device HID Function Driver Transfer Handle Definition. 
USB Device HID Event Handler Function Pointer Type. 
USB Device HID Function Driver Event Callback Response Type 
USB Device HID Function Driver USB Device HID Result enumeration. 
USB Device HID Function Driver Event Handler Response Type None. 
USB Device HID Function Driver Invalid Transfer Handle Definition. 
USB Device HID Function Driver Initialization Data Structure 
This is a pointer to a group of HID Function Driver callback function pointers. 
USB Device HID Function Driver Index Constants 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_1. 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_2. 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_3. 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_4. 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_5. 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_6. 
This is macro USB_DEVICE_HID_INDEX_7.