USB Libraries Help > USB Device Libraries > USB Device Printer Library > Library Interface
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack
Library Interface
a) Functions
This function registers a event handler for the specified PRINTER function driver instance. 
This function requests a data read from the USB Device Printer Function Driver Layer. 
This function requests a data write to the USB Device PRINTER Function Driver Layer. 
b) Data Types and Constants
USB Device Printer Function Driver Events 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Read and Write Complete Event Data. 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Read and Write Complete Event Data. 
USB Device Printer Event Handler Function Pointer Type. 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Event Callback Response Type 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Index 
This structure contains required parameters for Printer function driver initialization. 
Printer status required by class-specific request. 
USB Device Printer Function Driver USB Device Printer Result enumeration. 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Transfer Flags 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Transfer Handle Definition. 
Identified the USB Printer Commands used by the stack. 
Base class for printers Do not modify this value 
Printer Interface Type

  • 0x01 - Unidirectional interface
  • 0x02 - Bi-directional interface
  • 0x03 - 1284.4 compatible bi-directional interface


Subclass codes for Printer devices Do not modify this value 
bmRequestType for Printer class specific request 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Event Handler Response Type None. 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Function pointer 
Use this to specify Printer Function Driver Instance 0 
USB Device Printer Function Driver Invalid Transfer Handle Definition.