USB Libraries Help > USB Device Libraries > USB Audio 1.0 Device Library > Building the Library
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack
Building the Library

The following three tables list and describe the header (.h) and source (.c) files that implement this library. The parent folder for these files is <install-dir>/framework/usb.

Interface File(s)

This table lists and describes the header files that must be included (i.e., using #include) by any code that uses this library.

Source File Name 
This header file must be included in every source file that needs to invoke USB Audio 1.0 Device Driver APIs. 
Required File(s)
All of the required files listed in the following table are automatically added into the MPLAB X IDE project by the MHC when the library is selected for use. 

This table lists and describes the source and header files that must always be included in the MPLAB X IDE project to build this library.

Source File Name 
This file contains all of functions, macros, definitions, variables, datatypes, etc., that are specific to the USB Audio Specification v1.0 implementation of the Audio 1.0 Function Driver. 
Contains implementation of the Audio 1.0 Function Driver read and write functions. 
Optional File(s)

This table lists and describes the source and header files that may optionally be included if required for the desired implementation.

Source File Name 
There are no optional files for this library. 
Module Dependencies

The USB Audio 1.0 Device Library depends on the following modules: