Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 Release Notes
AWS Cloud Release Notes v3.2.0
FreeRTOS Qualfied Configurations
FreeRTOS Hardware Configuration | Wired (ECC608) | Wired (NVM) | Wireless (WINC+ECC608) | Qualification (FreeRTOS 202002.00) |
SAME54 Xplained Pro | Yes | Yes | Yes | FreeRTOS+OTA |
SAME70 Xplained Ultra | Yes | Yes | Yes | FreeRTOS |
Curiosity PIC32MZ EF 2.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | FreeRTOS |
SAMG55 Xplained Pro | NA | NA | Yes | FreeRTOS |
New Features
- Additionally supports ECC608 Integeration with FreeRTOS and Wi-Fi Support(WINC1500/WINC3400) for SAM S70, SAM E70, SAM V70/V71, PIC32MZ EF and SAMG55 MCUs.
Supports FreeRTOS’s OTA Firmware Update with WINC1500 and SAME5x, SAMD5x.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of demo application available for different development kits
Development kits Applications SAM E70 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit 2 SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 4 Curiosity PIC32MZ EF 2.0 Development Board 2 SAM G55 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 1
Known Issues
Issue Description | Workaround |
For SAME70, PIC32MZ and SAMG55, the I2C baud rate generated by cryptoauthlib is inconsistent (has 3 additional zeros) and needs to match with speed configured in the peripheral. | Remove the additional zeros in baud rate configuration of the peripheral in ATECC608_0.c |
The SAMG55 FreeRTOS NVIC Priority configuration is incorrect, causing XSemaphoreGiveFromISR to assert. | Set NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping to zero in pblic_nvic.c |
After Programming with MPLAB 5.45, data on PKOB based UART in curiosity 2 PIC32MZEF board is not received correctly, so use MPLAB 5.40 for Programming Curiosity 2 board | For Programming Curiosity 2 PIC32MZEF, use MPLAB v5.40 |
Development Tools
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.45
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.50
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.6.2 and above.
Dependent Components
- CSP v3.8.3
- CORE v3.8.1
- BSP v3.8.2
- DEV_PACKS v3.8.0
- NET v3.7.0
- Amazon FreeRTOS v3.2.0
- MHC v3.6.2
- Cryptoauthlib v20121203
AWS Cloud Release Notes v3.1.0
New Features
- Supports ECC608 Integeration with FreeRTOS and Wi-Fi Support (WINC1500/WINC3400) for SAM D5x/E5x MCUs.
Updated version of FreeRTOS 202002.00 to add support for following SAM S70, SAM E70, SAM V70/V71, SAME5x, SAMD5x, PIC32MZ EF families of 32-bit microcontrollers to securely connect to the AWS Cloud.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of demo application available for different development kits
Development kits Applications SAM E70 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit 1 SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 3 Curiosity PIC32MZ EF 2.0 Development Board 1
Known Issues
- Same as 3.0.0
Development Tools
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.4
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.41
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.4.1 and above.
Dependent Components
- CSP v3.7.1
- CORE v3.7.2
- BSP v3.7.0
- DEV_PACKS v3.7.0
- NET v3.6.1
- Updated version of FreeRTOS 202002.00 for Microchip Products
- MHC v3.4.1
- Cryptoauthlib v3.2.2
AWS Cloud Release Notes v3.0.0
New Features
Updated version of Amazon FreeRTOS 201908.00 to add support for SAM S70, SAM E70, SAM V70/V71, SAME5x, SAMD5x, PIC32MZ EF families of 32-bit microcontrollers to securely connect to the AWS Cloud
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of demo application available for different development kits
Development kits Applications SAM E70 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit 1 SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 1 Curiosity PIC32MZ EF 2.0 Development Board 1
Known Issues
- PIC32MZ Ethernet MAC driver does not provide configuration option to configure Unicast Hash and Multicast Hash filter. It must be enabled manually by changing the configuration macro to connect to AWS cloud.
Development Tools
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.30
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.30
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.3.5 and above.
Dependent Components
- CSP v3.6.0
- CORE v3.6.0
- BSP v3.6.0
- DEV_PACKS v3.6.0
- NET v3.5.1
- Updated version of Amazon FreeRTOS 201908.00 for Microchip Products
- MHC v3.3.5